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What's on?

Women of Silicon Roundabout is packed with exciting features.
Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of innovative ideas
and transformative connections.



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What's in Store at #WoSR24?

In today’s exhilarating, ever-evolving world, we understand the significance of optimising your time, planning your day effectively, and leaving the event feeling invigorated after insightful presentations and dynamic networking opportunities.

With that driving force, we’ve meticulously crafted an event that empowers you to cherry-pick components that elevate your career and provide you with valuable insights, all while cultivating a plethora of fresh connections.

Motivational Live Keynotes

Discover the new frontier in business, workforce and technology from our globally renowned speaker line up as they offer insights into revolutionary concepts that are radically changing our future.

Networking Opportunities

Your network is your net-worth; networking is key to driving your career forward with the Women of Silicon Roundabout community and beyond. From in-person networking receptions to online communities, stay engaged with your event friends all-year-round!

Career Advice Hub

Connect with our speakers at the Career Advice Hub where you’ll be able to gain advice that’s personal to you and your specific professional challenges. Each meeting will run for a maximum of 15 minutes and will operate on a first come first serve basis.

Expert-led Workshops

Premium ticket holders will gain access to 70+ workshops across the 2 days, providing an opportunity to get hands on and deep dive into soft and technical topics. Expect activities and interactive sessions designed by our expert speakers.

The Exhibition

For all ticket holders, don’t miss the Women of Silicon Roundabout 2024 Exhibition – a giant playground of technology, networking and business opportunity. With the latest tech on display from 100s of exhibitors, immersive experiences, career / business opportunities and endless networking.

Event App

Elevate your experience to the next level with the official Women of Silicon Roundabout event App! It enables you to book meetings with exhibiting companies and search & network with other attendees. With the ability to plan your day before you arrive, you can maximise your experience!

Speaking Skills Studio

This year we have partnered with PowerSpeaking to bring you our new feature: The Speaking Skills Studio. Throughout the conference PowerSpeaking will run 15-minute popcorn talks on a variety of communication-skills topics, from getting your voice heard, talking tech to a mixed audience, pitching an idea to get a “yes,” to effective storytelling. You’ll find details of the sessions on the agenda in Whova and can register there. Space is limited, make sure you secure your spot soon!