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02 Oct 2024

Q&A w/ Lilian Umeakunne, Software Engineer @ Accenture

Q&A w/ Lilian Umeakunne, Software Engineer @ Accenture

Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us, Lilian! First, please introduce yourself!  

My name is Lilian Umeakunne a Software Engineer at Accenture Next Gen Engineering. I'm also a mentor, passionate about supporting women transitioning into technology careers. A few years ago, I switched my career from Agriculture and Food Security where I had my BSc and Masters degree plus over 3 years of work experience to tech as a Self-taught full-stack engineer. My journey has been filled with constant learning and self-development as well as learning from my experiences and that of others. Throughout my tech career, I have had the opportunity to work on exciting projects building cloud-native web applications that transform businesses and make a difference in people's lives. I am passionate about promoting diversity and inclusion within the tech community and am committed to empowering women to achieve their full potential in this field.  

What are you looking forward to at Women of Silicon Roundabout?  

 I look forward to connecting with other amazing women and allies at this year's event, delivering my session on Security, attending the Keynote sessions and having a great time. I am incredibly excited to be part of Women of Silicon Roundabout for the second year, it's always inspiring to be surrounded by talented and driven women who share a common passion for technology and innovation. I look forward to connecting with other professionals, learning from the various sessions and speakers, and sharing my experiences and insights. Women of Silicon Roundabout is a fantastic platform to celebrate women's achievements, discuss challenges and explore new ideas that can drive the technology industry forward.    

What can attendees expect from your session?  

In my session titled 'Building Security In: Cultivating a DevSecOps Mindset', attendees can expect an engaging and informative discussion. We will explore the importance of DevSecOps, key takeaways will include: Understanding DevSecOps and its importance, learning to shift security left, addressing issues early, fostering a security-first team culture, implementing secure practices in agile/CI/CD workflows and so much more. 

What would be your advice to other women in tech who are coming up in the industry?  

Believe in yourself and your abilities—confidence is a key driver of success, embrace your uniqueness and never underestimate your value, you've got this. Seek out mentors and allies who can support and guide you on your journey. Step outside your comfort zone; growth often happens when we challenge ourselves. Take risks and trust yourself, you are more powerful than you know. Stay curious, keep learning, and continuously update your skills. Remember, you are not alone, and there is a whole community of women in tech who are rooting for your success.  

Women of Silicon Roundabout is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence?  

My advice would be to actively participate in industry events, both online and offline, to connect with like-minded professionals, remember, building a strong network is essential for career growth and personal development. Don't hesitate to reach out to people you admire and ask for advice or mentorship. Engage in meaningful conversations, share your own experiences, and be open to learning from others. Join online communities related to your areas of interest to stay informed about trends and opportunities. Lastly, be authentic and genuine in your interactions—building lasting relationships is about quality, not quantity. Remember, your network is a powerful resource that can support you throughout your career journey. 

Register for your place to join Lilian Umeakunne for her session, 'Building Security In: Cultivating a DevSecOps Mindset' at Women of Silicon Roundabout on 27 - 28 November now!

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